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Archive for the ‘Tips and Advice’ Category

Understanding the Rising Threat of Ransomware

January 20th, 2022

Ransomware is a serious cyber-threat that has become more prevalent in recent years. In fact, research suggests that these types of cyber-attacks have increased by approximately 1,000 per cent since last year. To minimise the chance of becoming a victim of an attack, employers must understand current ransomware trends. This video can help.   If…

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The benefits of Business Interruption Insurance

December 8th, 2021

When an organisation’s operations are interrupted, it can result in major losses. In addition to the financial costs of the interruption itself, an organisation may also have to manage reputational damage. Fortunately, business interruption insurance can provide protection and financial aid to help policyholders manage these situations. This short video explains the key benefits of…

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Reducing the Risk of Slip, Trip and Fall Accidents During the Winter

January 5th, 2021

Slips, trips and falls are already a leading cause of accidents and injuries in the workplace, but these incidents can become even more common during the winter. Falls involving employees, customers and even pedestrians who are merely walking past your business can all lead to serious injuries and legal claims. Ice and Snow During the…

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